View a complete listing of the latest food establishment inspection scores
Food Protection and Restaurant Inspections
View a complete listing of the latest food establishment inspection scores:
Most recent food establishment inspection scores (Excel) (Updated 3/3/25)
Click here to view an explanation of the violation(s) in detail: Inspection Form. In the “Inspection Type” field, a “1” indicates a regular inspection, whereas “2” indicates a follow-up inspection, and “3” indicates an inspection that was prompted from a received constituent complaint. Foodservice establishments are inspected at least every six months and more often if needed. Scores of 85 or higher with no priority violations will be posted with a numeric value on a green placard, while scores of 84 or lower or those with priority violations will be posted on a red placard. The Board of Health approved an updated Food Service Regulation on 9/21/2021. Click here to see a full copy of the updated regulation.
The food protection services offered by the health department are included in the Food Service, Retail Market, Vending, Temporary and Mobile Food Service, Farmer’s Market, Bed and Breakfast, Food Handler Testing and Food Manager Certification programs. Approximately 1,550 establishments in Fayette County are permitted and regulated. These include restaurants, schools and universities cafeterias, daycare centers, nursing homes, hospitals, delicatessens, ice-cream shops, bars, caterers, vending machines, supermarkets, neighborhood grocery stores, meat and seafood markets, convenience stores, produce and farmers’ markets and permanent and temporary vendors.
Enforcement of the Board of Health Regulations #19, #26, and #27, and the State food laws and regulations is achieved through inspections, notice issuance, administrative conferences and formal legal action. Establishments are inspected based on applicable regulations, usually two times per year.
Construction plans for new and remodeled establishments are reviewed for approval. Food protection services also include investigations of consumer complaints regarding conditions at food establishments, including outbreaks of foodborne illness.
To report complaints or a suspected foodborne illness, contact us at (859) 231-9791.
Helpful Resources:
- 2013 FDA Food Code
- Food Labeling
- Labeling Guidance for Foods in Retail Establishments
- Labeling for Retail Food — Examples
- Clean-Up Procedures Form for Vomit Fecal Events
- Board of Health Regulation #19
- Employee Health Policy Tool – 2022 FDA Food Code
- Employee Health Reporting Agreement
- FDA Food Code 2-501 Clean-Up of Vomiting and Diarrheal Events
- First Aid for Food Choking Poster
- Food Handler Permits
- Food Manager Certification Class
- Handwashing Sign
- Use Disposable Gloves Properly
- Kentucky Food Advisories and Recalls
- Kentucky Food Code
- Kentucky’s Food Safety Program
- KRS 217.285 Display of Choke Saving Techniques Poster
- Sushi Guidelines
- Temporary and Mobile Food Service
- Sampling Guidelines for Food Vendors
- Variance Application
- Importance of Date Marking
- Importancia del marcado de la fecha
- Wearing Gloves for Food Safety
- Two-Stage Cooling Process Poster
- Time Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) Foods
- Personal Hygiene for Food Safety
- Important Temperatures for Food Safety
- 7 Principles of HACCP
- Time as a Public Health Control
- Big 9 Food Allergens Poster
If you plan to open a restaurant, grocery store or catering business in Lexington-Fayette County, these items should help you get there. NOTE: You cannot cater out of a home kitchen.
- If you plan to move into an existing building where a restaurant or grocery has recently closed, contact us at (859) 231-9791 to find out if what you are proposing can be done in the existing structure without a lot of costly renovations. If you plan to move into a building that has never or not recently been a restaurant or grocery, or if you plan to build a new building, contact us. You will need to submit plumbing plans prior to construction. Plumbing Plans to learn more about plumbing plan review.
- Put your plans (a scaled drawing of your proposal) on paper. A floor plan showing your kitchen layout, equipment and necessary plumbing fixtures is required. A plumbing riser diagram (your licensed plumber can do this) is also required. The food safety specialist will review your plans to see if your proposal meets all applicable laws and requirements. If there are any changes to be recommended, it’s easier and less costly for you to make changes before the facility is constructed. Plumbing plans are forwarded to the Division of Plumbing in Frankfort for approval. Once your plans are approved, you may begin construction of your restaurant or grocery. Approval by the local plumbing inspector and the health inspector are required prior to opening for business.
- You would need to apply for a permit to operate. Call (859) 231-9791 to set up a pre-opening inspection. Permit fees vary according to the type of facility you plan to operate.
Helpful Resources:
There may be a time when you as the restaurant manager or owner may need to close your establishment immediately.
You should close your restaurant:
- During a water emergency
- If there is a sewage overflow,
- After a fire, flood, etc.,
- If you have no electricity,
- When employee illness or other conditions threaten public health.
If there is a question as to whether or not you should keep your establishment open, call (859) 231-9791 and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Find a list of resources relating to various Facilites Inspection topics such as getting a permit, food handler and manager certification, public swimming pools, and food protection and restaurant inspections.
Facilities Inspections
Ensuring the safety, functionality and compliance of our facilities in Lexington-Fayette County, is our top priority.
Find a list of resources relating to various Facilites Inspection topics such as getting a permit, food handler and manager certification, public swimming pools, and food protection and restaurant inspections.